2019 Onam Celebrations

This year’s GAMA Onam celebration is on Saturday, August 31st. We would like to have full participation from our GAMA community for the program.

We are planning to have two segments. The first segment is about Onam. The second segment is open for all to showcase your talents.

We would like to call entries for the SECOND SEGMENT. We will be giving teams preference on a first come first serve basis. Registration is now officially open. The deadline for registration isĀ Thursday, August 15th.

Please carefully read the rules for the participation below.

1. Each item should include a minimum of 6 participants (Except Standup Comedy).

2. Please limit each participant to one item.

3. The duration of each item should be no longer than five minutes.

4. Participants MUST be a GAMA 2019 member to participate. (If you have not taken the membership yet, please Register Here today.)

If you don’t have 6 participants please reach out to us. We can connect you to other interested participants. We want all interested parties to perform.

Those who have participated in the inauguration program – please register, we will include your items as time permits.

Please register for the program here. We will make sure to acknowledge your entries. If you do not get an acknowledgement in 48 hours please make sure to send a message to 678 296 8667.

We are very excited about the Onam celebration and looking forward for all of your talents to be showcased well.

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