We are receiving overwhelming inquiries about Malayalam Academy, after the successful execution of Malayalam Classes in Cumming and Marietta locations . Thank you for your support and interest in GAMA Malayalam Academy. We have started accepting new registrations this year.
Due to the pandemic situation, GAMA decided to reduce the fees for the year for both members and non members. The new fee structure is as below.
For GAMA Members (First child) – $75/child for the whole year and for the siblings – $65/child for the whole year.
For Non GAMA Members (First child) – $100/child for the whole year and for the siblings – $90/child for the whole year.
There will be discounts for siblings. Please review the FAQ page to find answers to some of the basic questions about this program.
Classes will start on Saturday, Jan 29th, 2022.
All classes will be virtual until further notice.
Tentative class timings are as follows:
Saturdays at 10:00am for beginner level.
Sundays at 5:00pm for Intermediate level.
Saturdays at 6:00pm for Advanced level.
Note: These timings are subject to change with advanced notice.